Very Cool...
I liked the flash animation and the music as well! Nice job!
Very Cool...
I liked the flash animation and the music as well! Nice job!
Nice Flash. It was funny in some way but not funny in another way. I give it a out of 10.
Great Flash...
I liked this flash. Very funny and (Kinda) Original. BTW you forgot to parody the fact that this game is short as hell. That would have been funny. Took me like 4 hours to beat this game.
Perhaps I accidentally did by stopping the flash itself short? I do receive a lot of complaints that what I did was too short, soooo maybe that was intentionally symbolic?
(lol, whew...that was a close one!)
I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for reviewin'!
Very good...
I liked the animations. Very good work. Keep making more! :D
This does not derserve the front page. The animation is horrible and to short. I don't like it.
Loved it.
Woot that was a great flash animation! Im reccomiding this for the awsome collection!
That was....
AWESOME....Great flash.
That was pretty good...And the fact the I got to type in the dialog boxes...LOL
lol yeah i never noticed that I didn't take that out until you just reminded me
Pretty good
Like how it was errie and scary. Keep that up.
Joined on 11/23/07